Friday, 28 November 2014

“An Error Has Occurred......” while opening Custom Entity Record in CRM 2011/2013

Recently one of my colleague was facing a generic “Error has occurred” message while opening on any record of any Custom Entity in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization.
I also have faced this issue so many times while working in CRM, So today i would like to share the Resolution of below error so that in future anyone who is getting this error could rid of with this error :

Error :
Error while opening any record from my custom entities in crm 2011/2013.

Resolution :

This is most likely a IE Compatability issue. Add the server address in the compatability  view under IE settings:

Go to Tools, if you are not able to see Tools option in IE Press 'Alt' key from keyboard. then select 'Compatibility View settings' like below : 

Add your organisation URL or Server Address like below:

In Somecases if you are not using Mobile form of your Custom Entities, UnCheck 'Mobile Express' option will also be the way to get rid of from this problem. see below:

Congrats you will never face this issue again........Enjoy :) \A/

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Auditing of Export to Excel in Dynamic CRM 2011/2013

Few days before I had a request from a customer that whether it is possible to find out what data(might be confidential) has been exported by a user on a specified date (for tracking or to catch culprit) on a specified date or over a period of time…
The  first thing which came into my mind was to restrict them access to “Export to Excel” on his corresponding security role but what happens to the data already exported, how to know what data was exported and stuff’s.

By done lot of Research i have found a way to get user who has exported data from CRM. Here below is the way for the same :

If you're familiar with IIS, you probably already know how to find the location of the log files, but I'll give a quick recap for those who are not. On the Microsoft CRM server, open the Internet Information Services Manager and find the Microsoft CRM website. Right-click on the website and select Properties. The following dialog will open.

Then select the Properties button, and this window will open

From here you can see that the log file directory is c:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\ and the folder for this Microsoft CRM website is W3SVC1 (but yours might be different). Now launch Windows Explorer and browse to this directory. You will see a bunch of files in this folder (one for each day) named with the exyymmdd.log naming convention.

Open any of these files with the text editor of your choice. Then search in the file for the text "mode=export". If someone exported data to Excel during that day, you'll see a line that looks something like this::

The viewid of =%7BE35F1FC9-9450-455B-8F2A-5B59BA193706%7D
The IP address of
One way to determine which view of data that the viewid relates to is to browse to (entering in the name of your Microsoft CRM server and the viewid you retrieved from the IIS log file):

If you copied and pasted correctly, then you'll see the view editor for the view that a user exported! For example, if you see the view editor for the Active Leads view then you know that a user exported the data from the Active Leads view. Now that you know what data was exported, you can use the IP address to determine which computer/user did the export.

Hope this will someone !!!!! Enjoy :)
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