Saturday, 1 October 2016

Subgrid Issue in ADXStudio

Here are some important points regarding subgrid behavior in ADXStudio :
  • You will not be able to see Subgrid or Subgrid record on entity forms if the form is in Create or Insert mode.
  • ADXStudio Subgrid behavior is same as CRM Subgrid, which show '+' icon above grid once you save the parent record.
  • Subgrid will not be render on your Entity Form until you will not pass Parent record guid in Query String as parameter in URL
  • Go to Redirect section of Entity Form(that is on Insert Mode) where you will find two options "or Webpage" and "Record Id Query String Parameter name".
  • Create a new webpage and also create a new entity form which will be same as above entity form but this entity form will be in Edit mode.
  • Attach this newly created Edit mode entity form with newly created webpage.
  • Now select this new webpage in "or Webpage" lookup of  your Insert mode Entity Form.
  • Write id in "Record Id Query String Parameter name" box.
  • Now you are done, as soon as you will submit the Insert mode Entity form, you will be redirected to newly created entity form (Edit mode) by passing its guid in query string.
  • Its bit complex, but this is the way how we can show Subgrid in Entity form which is in Insert Mode.

I had faced this issue and spent lot of days to sort out this issue, but finally i come up with above solution. Hope it will help someone to get rid of this issue.

Below are the settings required on ADX Entity form :

When the Entity form is in Insert mode Subgrid will be shown like this :

Subgrid on Entity Form :

Fig :URL of Entity Form on Portal in Insert Mode 

When the Entity form get Submitted Subgrid will be shown like this :

Fig :URL of Entity Form on Portal after submission 

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